「国境なき記者団」がパリ同時多発テロを取材する日本人ジャーナリストを支援/RSF LAUNCHES OPERATION “#OPENDOOR FOR REPORTERS”





『国境なき記者団』アジア太平洋デスク ベンジャミン・イシュマル


電話:+33 1 4483 8484/Eメール:secretariat@rsf.org, /住所:CS 90247 75083 PARIS CEDEX 02 France



Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is launching operation #opendoor for foreign reporters who come to Paris to cover the aftermath of last Friday’s tragic events. We are opening our doors to journalists who need an office (with phone and WiFi connection), logistic support or language assistance.

To the extent of our abilities, we will also help journalists who are seeking accommodation in Paris.

The operation is designed to assist journalists from media outlets with limited resources, so that they can operate in the French capital. Roving correspondents know how essential the help of fixers and local journalists can be in certain cities. RSF thinks it has a duty to show solidarity with reporters who have nowhere to turn in Paris.

RSF’s headquarters is located in the center of Paris where both the 7 January attack on Charlie Hebdo and last Friday’s attacks took place. Those who would like to benefit from operation #opendoor for reporters” can call us on +33 1 4483 8484 or email us at secretariat@rsf.org, providing evidence that they are journalists.

As a result of a grass-roots initiative called #porteouverte (#opendoor), launched at the suggestion of journalist Sylvain Lapoix, hundreds of Parisians offered their homes as a refuge during last Friday’s attacks to those who were injured or who were stranded near the sites of the attacks and needed a place to stay.



Benjamin Ismaïl

Head of Asia-Pacific Desk

Reporters Without Borders


CS 90247

75083 PARIS CEDEX 02


+33 1 44 83 84 70